A Hike Through an Uncertain Landscape (prototype 2)
A still-rough and still-early prototype for the 2023 Greenlight Jam. I only had ~3 day to work on things during this phase of the jam, so it's still very bare-bones.
There are three alternating phases right now: "forming," "walking," and "breaks."
"Form" Phase:
1. Click on a card (e.g. "Meadow" or "Barrens") to select it.
2. Click on a black block above to place the card.
3. Repeat until the phase ends, trying to build a path between the round ball and the tiny white diamond.
"Walk" Phase:
1. Click on a tile you built that's adjacent to the ball. Try to move the ball to the destination (the tiny white diamond).
2. Click through the dialog text.
3. Repeat until the phase ends.
"Break" Phase:
1. Click through the dialog text.
After you reach 3 destinations, you'll see an ending window and the game will restart.
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